Airline Policies for Pregnant Travelers

Airlines have different policies for pregnant travelers. Below are the policies of Philippine Airlines, Cebu Pacific Air and Air Asia. However, you should always confirm their policy on their website or over the phone before booking travel as their policy may change at any time and speaking with the airline directly is the best way to find out their current policy.

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Philippine Airlines

An expectant mother who is in normal health and with no pregnancy complications, shall normally be accepted without medical clearance after filling up the Expectant Mothers Information Sheet (EMIS) Form.

Below 24 weeks —  The expectant mother should fill up Part 1 of the EMIS

24 to 36 weeks —  The personal physician of the expectant mother should fill up Part 2 of the EMIS. In addition, if expectant mother is below 21 years of age, the consent in writing of the husband, parent or guardian must be secured.

Beyond 32 weeks — The Flight Surgeon or Company Physician should fill up Part 3 of the EMIS and issue a clearance for travel.

Beyond 35 weeks — Will not be accepted for carriage


1. Clearance for air travel will be determined and indicated on the EMIS form. 
2. Expectant mothers need to fill up the EMIS form on a per flight basis. 
3. The maximum validity of an EMIS form is 7 days unless otherwise specified by the attending Physician/Flight Surgeon. 
4. The notation of the attending Physician/Flight Surgeon shall prevail.
5. EMIS is available at any PAL ticket office. You can also download it by clicking the link above. 

Cebu Pacific

On all flights, expectant mothers with age of gestation thirty-four (34) weeks and beyond, are required to present a medical certificate with the notation "Fit to Travel" and signed by a physician. Except for flights to or from the United States, the expectant mother must complete her travel within the validity period of the medical certificate which should be ten (10) days from date of issuance.

For flights to or from the United States, the expectant mother is required to submit a medical certificate for her outbound travel only; the medical certificate must be dated within ten (10) days of the first flight in the booking.

Expectant mothers must fill out all three (3) copies of the Passenger Handling Form, to be presented upon check-in.

In any case, an expectant mother whose pregnancy is considered high risk, such that a condition exists that creates a reasonable doubt that the mother or baby can complete the flight safely without needing extraordinary medical care, is also required to present a medical certificate with the above notation, dated within ten (10) days of the scheduled date of initial departure. Except for flights to or from the United States, the Passenger must complete her travel within ten (10) days from the date of issuance.

Air Asia

It is the duty of pregnant passengers to advise the airline of the progress of their pregnancy at the point of booking of a seat and at the check-in counter. Their carriage of pregnant passengers are subject to the following conditions:

Up to 27 weeks — Except on flights to/from the United States, guest must sign AirAsia/ AirAsia X Limited Liability Statement at the time of check-in to absolve AirAsia/AirAsia X against any liabilities arising there from.

28 weeks to 34 weeks — Guest must submit an approved doctor's medical certificate. The doctor's medical certificate must confirm the number of weeks of pregnancy and the certificate shall be dated not more than thirty (30) days from either the scheduled outbound or the scheduled inbound flight departure date as the case may be. Except on flights to/from the United States, Guest must sign AirAsia/AirAsia X Limited Liability Statement at the time of check-in to absolve AirAsia/AirAsia X against any liabilities arising there from.

35 weeks and above —  Will not permitted to travel
